2002年12月 1日 RULES FOR (R) [ RESOURCE-RESOURCE ] BACK >> 目次

● (R) in the combination between "resource and resource"

 We use logical symbols--entities--to express propositions--combination of entities--in a logical expression and carry out operations similar to those in numbers. A proposition that contains a propositional connective, as "and" "or" "if", is called a compound proposition.
 A relationship (formed in a "binary" connective--mainly with "and") is a compound proposition.

 RULE: A "combination-table" shall be created through the combination of two resources.

 A "combination-table" is called "taisyo-hyo", that sounds like "tie-show-he-yo".

 An example:
  employee: (employee-NO, employee-name,...)
  division: (division-code, division-name,...)

 So, the combination-table (taisyo-hyo) comes as,
 the combination-talbe: (employee-NO(R), division-code(R))

 The "set-theory" mathematicians counter this argument by saying that it's a algorithm through "join" operation, not a table--they take it as data-redundancy.
 If so, they must not take a table of "inventory", because an "inventory" is a combination table among 3 resources--stockhouses, shelves and products.

 The combination-table of (employee-NO(R), division-code(R)) makes "implicitly" an event "assign".
 Put a date in the combination-table as in (employee-NO(R), division-code(R)| date)--it shows "explicitly" when who was assigned to which division.
 The definition of "event" is that a "thing" has an attribute of "date". The combination-table has, therefore, the nature of "event"--but it has not any identifier, it's a "quasi-event".
 If and when we give the identifier of assign-NO, the combination-table makes an event (of assignment).

 All events are made from combination-tables, all events are subsets of combination-tables.
 Combination-tables are not exceptions to "events".


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